minor exercise *esercizio minore*exercițiu minor

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text: English, Italian and Romanian language

the repeaters in love for too many absences
dressed of gala, but inside barefoot and naked
brainless run for alleged emergencies
wise to indifference, to hurt, but for well, unlettered

donors of frost, statues walking around
knife in the back ready to stab anyone
stretched, all the fingers are accusingly
the guilt always appreciate, the merit to none

we collect the dusts, all things are only dust
we gather magnificent shadows on the carrion humble
Death writes the our story, it is biographer the best
until we has extinguish, poor damp wicks

rewarded of scorn for those who burn itself offerings
of bread and peace doers are always the most accursed
we are to compete for evil, when even evil is trying to say:
if you have not loved, at least once, in vain you will die


photo by Dario d’Elia

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