2018 too happy for you and for all poeples in the peace

valeriu dg barbu

now, we are going through the illusory threshold of the new year
the moment we renew our aspirations
we make wishes and
we hope
how we can be better than we were?


ora stiamo attraversando la soglia illusoria del nuovo anno
nel momento in cui rinnoviamo le nostre aspirazioni
facciamo degli auguri e
come possiamo essere migliori di quanto siamo stati?


acum, trecem pragul iluzoriu al noului an
moment în care înnoim aspirații
ne facem urări și
cât reușim să fim mai buni decât am fost deja?

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Chris Gard, Connie Yates și copilașul lor de numai zece luni, Charlie

valeriu dg barbu

eutanasiaChris Gard, Connie Yates și copilașul lor de numai zece luni, Charlie, bolnav de o maladie incurabilă, o justiție care este greu de înțeles într-o eră a vitezei tehnologice și a rapidelor descoperiri medicale. Scriind aceasta îmi vine în minte un film mai vechi în care unui tânăr i se aplică eutanasia… Boala de care suferea abia peste doi ani avea să-și fi găsit leacul. Așadar, dacă mai suferea încă doi ani, ar fi avut șansă să mai trăiască dar ,,justiția” i-a permis să moară. Medicul i-a făcut injecția letală fiindcă …așa a jurat el!…

Justiția, de altfel precum educația, sănătatea, credințele, artele… sunt chestiuni spirituale și (citește integral aici: vocativ plus) Se manipulează întreaga lume prin mass media ca societatea să se transforme accelerat într-un sistem anti-om, anti-viață și la îndemâna puterilor obscure.

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valeriu dg barbu

quadrilingual post (english, italiano, magyar, română)

all the women in my life
I do not know to cry
are nestle so
in the absence and sometimes
they forget me out there
as an umbrella –
I write about them with caution
here on the edge of a book

I actually wanted written at least
one love poem –
and why should it be written? …
today no one reads
all are showing their wounds
left by the horses of Prince Charming

to the nights follows another night
and no one day is not lurking among…
flourished the spine of the book that
I hold in my arms from a life

from the land of absences come sometimes the letters
but always likely
someone is stealing
in my box is enormous spider
does not enter anything else

the drought hide one by one
the maps of the rains
sizzle a drop…

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valeriu dg barbu

That... (trilingual post)
those who listen
as the flower sings the hymn to the sky
who hears drawn swords in sheaths –
these playful petals
defying butterflies
to postpone to beating the wing which
would strike the glass of the sky
crush it

that knows what is the longing

chi ascolta
come canta il fiore l’inno al cielo
chi ascolta le spade uscite dai foderi –
questi petali giocherelloni
sfidando le farfalle
di rinviare il battere ala che
avrebbe colpito il vetro del cielo

quello sa cos’è la nostalgia

cine aude
cum cântă floarea imn cerului
cine aude săbiile scoase din teci –
aceste petale obraznice
sfidând fluturii
să-și amâne bătaia de aripă care
ar lovi sticla cerul

acela știe ce-i dorul

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just for you

valeriu dg barbu

Best wishes (trilingual post: english, italiano, română)

To all those who celebrate Christmas.
For those who would like to be able to celebrate Christmas.
But they are on certain events that hinder them.
For those who do not celebrate Christmas
Being of another faith
For those who, in secret, they are Santa Claus and helps others.
For those who need to forgiveness, and which would not have?
For you, dear friend, that beyond this rectangle of glass
From time to time we interact among ourselves and we think a sort of disinterested friendship, our only way to know us through it.
I Thank you
I pray with all the strength of heart to have health, love, prosperity, development.
To enjoy every moment when others will accept your gift
The New Year 2016 bring to you so much good as much you can bear
to be able to share this with…

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valeriu dg barbu

trilingual post: english, italiano, română

on the scales of the sky
hang a mosquito heavier
than the soul of a child
Africa, viewed from up there
in the cupped hands clean of the gods
seems only a golden blot
a streak of grape must
those allegedly as being civilized world
we weigh the eternity of these children killed by disease
like a metaphor
In fact, passed all at the banality
and nobody
nobody thinks that
a drop of love could cure even the gods
their brilliant indifference
What you should do
I can not answer the gaze of glassy eyes
in the eyes of these children? …
order quickly a pizza
close all channels of news from Africa
to send a poem to the editorial staff
about the exaggerated price of diamonds to the stock exchange
and wait for the day of judgment
behold, this is…

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the contrails of poetry – le scie di poesia – dâre de poem

valeriu dg barbu

trilingual post: english, italiano, română – photo by Eiko Ojala

the air conditioning is
your whispers
your eyes
are walls of the room
the remaining
just imaginings

Eiko Ojala 1

l’aria condizionata è
i tuoi sussurri
i tuoi occhi
sono i muri della stanza
nel resto
soltanto fantasticherie

Eiko Ojala

aer coniționat
șoaptele tale
ochii tăi
sunt pereții odăii
doar închipuiri

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valeriu dg barbu

triligual post: english, italiano, română

I would have pleasant this day
the life
if it were as a cigarette without filter
to be able to light it
at each end of


mi sarebbe piaciuto questa giornata
la vita
se fosse come una sigaretta senza filtro
di poter accenderla
a ciascuna estremità


mi-ar plăcea ziua aceasta
să fie ca o țigară fără filtru
să o pot aprinde
la oricare dintre capete

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Nocturne (one) It is war Marie

valeriu dg barbu

trilingual post: English, Italiano, română

Love, oh, love as a grenade
In one hand I keep nail
And in other grenade and no longer counting for up to seven
I have time to throw me down at the bottom than ever
to open a letter unwritten
to open a beer (like a grenade) to unbutton night
in all things, I find the impending implosion
you, gunpowder
I, gunpowder
love is a spark
I am the ex, you an ex
Marie is war and we are ammunitions that will wound the chest of the instant
take the nail a bit
until I will rolled up the foothills of the night
is the eighth sky, already?
(And as you wanted to touch the ninth)
It is war Marie

Notturne – uno
È guerra Marie
L’amore, oh, l’amore come una granata
In una mano tengo il chiodo
E nell’altra la granata e non…

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